
Because being nosy is a basic necessitiy

If you came here to read a little something-something about the author Kris Vanc, you’ve reached the right place. Happy to have you here!

My pen name is Kris Vanc. My real name I’m keeping to myself, mostly because I’ve got a regular job outside of writing and I don’t want clients to connect one to the other. But I’m mostly an open book.

Anyway, I’m a thirty something year old woman, living in a little coastal town in The Netherlands with my husband and my demon spawn, a girl and a boy. I’ve always been a huge fan of reading, even studied Dutch at University with the intention of becoming an author. But sometimes life has a way of doing what the hell it wants – so instead of writing Dutch fantasy, I’m now writing English smut.

I still love to read. Everything I can get my hands on actually. Fantasy, epic fantasy, romance and a whole heap of smut. I love banter and characters and shitloads of emotions. I want it all, and I want it raw. That’s where my writing comes from as well.

Not a big fan of pictures, big obsession with serial killers though. Priorities, right?